Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Baby News

Last night Peter and Daphne came over. She had been to see the Dr. and had had another ultrasound. Peter had a shoe box with the cutest little pink and white pair of Puma tennis shoes in it. Yep! That's right!


We are having a grand-daughter! What a joy this all is! J.


  1. Who could resist commenting on this one?? Congratulations! Any names being bounced around? Of course a boy would be a blessing, too - maybe next time...

    Love you, my friend! How's that knitting project coming along, by the way. :)

  2. Yeah!! :D It was very cute the way they told you. So exciting!! :D

  3. Peter texted Jeff the day they found out it was a girl, how exciting! :oD A baby, no matter what the gender, is always a blessing, especially when it is happy and healthy! We know you guys must be so excited, and we think of all of you often!

    ~Jeff and Christina
