Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Last night as I lay in bed exhausted and yet awake, I was overwhelmed with melancholy. "Why?" I asked myself. "Are you upset about something? Or are you just tired out?" After just a few minutes I fell asleep with no answer. "I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure." Psalm 16:8 - 9 J.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

20 Days of 20 - Day 5

She loves why not one that was intended for the vegetable garden. *smiles*
I love those blue eyes! It's hard to believe it has been 20 years!

2 words

A few months ago my boss came into my office to discuss something…I can’t even remember the details of the situation. At the end of the conversation he said 2 small words that had a great big affect on me. He said “Good work!” Hearing those words spoke deeply into my heart.

Since, I have used them myself as often as I can. I don’t know that it affects the other person as it did me that day, but I don’t even care. Each time I hear them come out of my mouth I am reminded of when they were spoken to me.

Today I had the privilege of saying them to Hannah as she successfully recalibrated the folding machine. It’s very touchy and she fixed it to fold perfectly! I’m proud of her…not just for fixing the machine, but for the lovely young woman she has become. Her creativity, kindness, beauty, and humor are just the beginning of the woman that God has created her to be. I love you my Little One! J.

Appropriate Blogging Standards?!?

In the blogosphere...well MY little blog anyway...what is appropriate to talk about? I mean there is a line somewhere that would be stepped over if I would talk about...fill in the blank topic...right?!? Part of me wants to say: "This is MY blog I will talk about whatever I want regardless of outside expectations and standards!" While this may be true, to a degree...what about inside expectations and appropriateness standards, I'm talking about MY line? Of course there are some things that I wouldn't blog about for a plethora of reasons: It's offensive to some, it's too embarrassing, it is private and not for general consumption etc.
The blog I have swirling in my head probably fits in each of those categories. "There are some topics that just aren't seemly to discuss in an open forum" ...says my grown up, well conscienced self. This is countered by the other side which says... "This is a topic that some women might relate to, and quite frankly it's funny."
My blog is not intended to be educational...though it could happen. I'm not striving to be serious, yet from time to time it is. It is not my goal to push the envelope with regard to socially acceptable topics, but I might now and then.
What topics should be off limits in a woman of character's blog? Is it ok, for instance, to tell a true 1st hand story about a "wardrobe malfunction"? Is it ok to talk about female situations like menopause, cycles, or breasts...matter of factly discussing that we have them...I mean the issues, and here is what is going on with that? What about other socially awkward topics like bad breath, or gas?
It has become increasingly easier for me to open up and share from my heart...frankly, and honestly. But when does it become over-sharing?
So what do YOU think...where is the line? What are your standards for your blog, and what topics are off limit for you?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

20 Days of 20 - Day 3


20 Days of 20 - Day 2

Dinner, Plays, & Videotapes

Yesterday we had the pleasure of seeing The King and I put on by Lyric Light Opera. Our adopted son Jon is the stage manager and graphic designer. It was up in Mt. Vernon.

Before the play we stopped at a local burger joint called “The Chuck Wagon.” As the name implies this is a old Western themed restaurant. The food is so so, but we had fun. They have a gumball dispenser that actually dispensed stick on mustaches and beards. We each donned some facial hair and were being silly. Playing through the speakers was the Beatles. Timothy and I sang along to one song. Hannah took a VIDEO…which she has since posted on Facebook. Though I feel exposed(I try to protect my reputation by not allowing my silly side to be widely viewed), I have decided to laugh and embrace it even though I would like to DIE of embarrassment. I hope you can laugh WITH us not AT us…ok either is fine. Enjoy!

20 Days of 20 - Day 1

"20 Days of 20" has begun!!! You can read more about it in this post. This is Day 1:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lesson Learned?

“Yes…easily” was the answer I got from Timothy when I asked “Will it fit?” He sent me a picture of a couch he saw at Goodwill that seemed a little large for our very small living room.

Today was pink tag day, which means 50% off…plus his 20% discount brought the cost of the couch down to $80. We picked it up this evening and I was certain it was too big, but he assured me that it truly would fit.

Into the truck it went and we headed for home. Esther and Timothy hauled it up the stairs but it wouldn’t fit through the door….so…off came the door. Placed in its’ intended position and clearly it wasn’t even close to fitting. Silence…the kind you can cut with a knife. Then laughter, a cacophony of laughter.

We measured a variety of different places and there was only one place it fit but nothing else fit around it. So…out the door, back into the truck, and to my parents house it went.

This reminds me of the time when we stood in the forest and he said… “For sure this Christmas tree will fit in the house!” It was 4 feet taller than the whole house!

I love this man even if he has no spatial concept whatsoever!!! J.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Being a Friend

Being a friend, I mean a true friend is hard for me. I feel like I’m not very good at it. I think of my friends all the time. My heart is connected to them. They mean SO much to me. And yet I don’t call, or even email. Doubt, lack of confidence, and guilt keep me from making contacts. “Will they still want me to call or write even though we haven’t spoken for months?” And then we see one another and it’s as if we spent all day together just yesterday. Why do I feel like it is all my responsibility? Friendships are a two-way street right? It’s just as much their responsibility to keep in contact, and to be my friend right? That’s why I feel so guilty…they do, they are.

I truly do think of you much more often than I write or call. I love you my friends! J.

4 - Day Weekend

I’m sitting here wondering where to begin. So much has gone on in the last week it’s crazy. I’m on my break so I don’t have an hour to write so I will type as fast as I can and get as much down as I can.

Sweater update: First let me say that I have knitted many sweaters and most of them have been challenging to the skill level I was at while making them. This sweater is going to be the death of me(yes I am purposely being melodramatic!) I literally restarted the back section 5 times because of sizing, or a plethora of simple mistakes. I finished the back and was ¾ of the way done with one of the front pieces(knitting while in the car two weekends ago,) when sadly we got to our destination and I found that I had somehow gotten off pattern about a 1/3 of the way back. ARGH! SO frustrating! It is these setbacks that have discouraged me to the point of giving up several times. Then I go back to it and determine I will finish it and then wham! I make another beginner mistake. YIKES!!! Add to this the fear that it won’t fit, or she won’t like it…I am discouraged again. More later…

I took 2 days off work last week(for sanity.) We were actually supposed to be on our canoeing trip but with job changes and so forth it just wasn’t going to work to take a week off for us. We rescheduled our canoeing trip to October, which was the time we were supposed to go to Las Vegas. As a result we pushed our Vegas trip back to December(our 24th anniversary.) Did you follow all of that?!? *wink* So instead of the whole week I took 2 days off creating a 4 day weekend! I had two goals for my weekend: A. Finish painting the kitchen and B. Finish the sweater.

Thursday I got up early and painted. Then mid morning I went and had coffee with my parents(YUM!) I painted all afternoon and pretty much finished the painting. I did the touch ups on Friday and I am happy to say that the main painting in the kitchen, and living room is complete! Yeah!!! I have since decided to sand and paint the railings on the stairs and a few window sills where there is wear and tear. The warm and lovely butter yellow and bright orange make me VERY happy and though I’ve had mixed reviews I love it!

Friday Timothy was also off work and we spent the day entirely together. I got up early and touched up the paint job, then we went to see the movie Date Night at 9:45 a.m. Let me suggest that you go to see a movie that has been out for a few weeks at the earliest showing on a Friday. We had the entire theater to ourselves. It was a funny movie! Following the movie we went to lunch at Red Lobster where we ate crab legs(the craving we went to fulfill.) Though the food was disappointing over all, the crab was wonderful. After lunch we shopped for Hannah’s Birthday(Hannah will be 20 on July 14th – we have a Hisey tradition of “20 days of 20” which is a 20 day celebration of turning 20. Every day there is a small gift for the birthday girl.) Why you ask??? It started because I was so amazed at how quickly it came that Peter would be in his 20’s and I wanted to mark this milestone in some way and this is what we came up with. I intend to post a picture each day of what she received. It will be fun!

Saturday was spent with my sister Laura. What fun! She stopped and got Starbucks for us on the way to pick me up. We had pedicures and manicures(we each chose the toe color for the other one – she ended with a dark fuchsia and I with a deep red.) Lunch was at Ivar’s seafood house in Mukilteo. We sat in the window right on the water and had Crab & Shrimp melts. Can I just say…YUM!!! They were really really good! After lunch we went shopping to pick up an item or two for Father’s day! Saturday evening Timothy and I went to see a preview showing of Knight & Day with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. What a fun movie – action, romance, humor!

Sunday was of course worship service, and lunch with the family for Father’s day. We spent the afternoon in our chair watching movies with the girls. Timothy had to work from 5 p.m. – 12 a.m.(what genius scheduled the special project on Father’s day?!?) I spent the evening hanging out and then went to bed early.

A delightful 4 day weekend! I got the painting done, but didn’t even touch the sweater. The weekend was just so relaxing and enjoyable I didn’t want to soil it with frustration and discouragement. I am however still determined to finish it. If it doesn’t fit oh well, and if she doesn’t like it ok. I just have to finish it for myself at this point.

Another thing…my digital camera is broken. It was very sad. Timothy found a nearly new one(very much like one my niece just got for her birthday) at Goodwill for $20 with his discount! Yeah! I’m so thankful to have a camera…now maybe I will be able to post pictures along with our blog!

Ok my 15 minutes is up…HaHa!!! I have taken several phone calls, and had a couple of conversations…so 15 minutes in 3 minute increments here and there. Have a great day! J.