Me: "This is Jeanne how may I help you?"
Him in a dry serious tone: "I'm calling about account # $$$$$ there is a credit. She is deceased...that means dead right?"
Me: "Yes it does."
Him sharply: "It's been a long time coming believe me!"
Me: "Let me confirm the address: xxxxx "
Him: "That's right. If I had killed her sooner I would've gotten my refund sooner right?"
Me: pause "I don't know what to say to that."
Him sarcastically: "I bet you don't. Thanks!"
So did he get refunded? Like was he the one to pay for it on his card or something and thats how you knew where to send the money? I have to say that is so crazy. Stuff like that makes me wonder what she was like, what her son is like. Who knows, she could've been a horrible monster of a person, but to say that is still really harsh. :(