I've never in my life felt this way before. Oliver Wendell Holmes said: "The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving." What I know is that something within me has shifted. Is it Grandmotherhood, or feeling each tick of the clock as a middle-aged woman? Probably these and a lot more but I know that things are different. I'm on the move...filled with an intense feeling of longing and determination, and a healthy dose of discontentment with the status quo, I just know within myself that it's time to address a few long held dysfunctions, confront excuses, and to march with purpose toward the goals I have for myself. I'm not talking about the average New Year's resolutions, I'm talking about internal work that must be done - growth and maturity. In the days, weeks, and months ahead I will go there, do the work, and things will be never be the same.
I saw this quote online:
So I'm doing.
Speaking of doing...here are some of the things we've been doing lately...Right before Christmas I celebrated my 44th birthday doing my favorite thing...being with my family:
Yes that is Peter in the background drinking directly from the bottle of sparkling grape juice. Go figure. :)
I'm doing what I love best...holding Miss Eva! The best Birthday gift EVER!!!
Speaking of Miss Eva - Here are many of the funny faces she makes:
I LOVE that girl! So Blessed!
We had a wonderfully busy and a bit hectic Christmas. I didn't take a lot of pictures but I did get this one:
I SO love this man! He is so sweet with Eva, and I love to see him holding her.
And on January 2nd we had the pleasure of babysitting our 1st grandchild for the very 1st time:
Check out the way she loves her Grandpa:
We had a snow storm and you would've thought we'd had feet instead of 1/2 an inch:
The commute to work was hideous:
It took forever to get to work because we were going only this fast - not kidding:
Then after the snow came the flooding:
And there were lots of sweet moments like these:
I love this face:
She has the CUTEST booboo lip, but I have yet to catch it in a picture...but I'm still trying.
Next to Eva in my heart is my Mattie.
Here we are blogging together(while Timothy sleeps on the other side of the bed):
And Timothy's nephew Jeremy came to visit from Ohio...Aww it's SO sweet to see the cousin love:
Recently we had WW3 in our livingroom as the kids had a Nerf gun war:
I got the biggest kick out of Joel's approach:
The laughter and squeals were continuous and like music to this Mom's ears:
Here we are blogging together(while Timothy sleeps on the other side of the bed):
And Timothy's nephew Jeremy came to visit from Ohio...Aww it's SO sweet to see the cousin love:
Recently we had WW3 in our livingroom as the kids had a Nerf gun war:
I got the biggest kick out of Joel's approach:
The laughter and squeals were continuous and like music to this Mom's ears: