Monday, March 29, 2010
2 Corinthians 10:5
To Self: Stop it! Remember! “Take EVERY thought captive in obedience to Christ!” 2Cor 10:5 J.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
A Wellspent Saturday Evening
Time is truly a commodity, and spending it wisely is critical. I love it when we are able to spend a whole evening just being with my parents. They are more than just the people who gave me my DNA, they are our friends. We enjoy their company. We never run out of things to talk about…and laugh again and again at the same old stories.
Saturday night we swung by and picked them up and headed to Seattle to watch a co-worker's 8th grade niece, perform the part of Lucy in “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown”. But first we went to dinner at Romios which very frugally had coupons in the entertainment book. To say that our eyebrows rose at the location and appearance of this particular Romios would be an understatement. A loitering, intoxicated pack of men were lounging casually around the restaurant. We parked behind the building and entered up a steep, rickety flight of stairs into a very odd back hallway. Amazingly there were no other patrons. Not only was the food not up to Romios usual standard, this particular Romios would not honor the coupons. Oh well! The highlight of dinner was listening to our attractive young waiter’s heavy old world Italian accent. On to the play!
It was a packed house in the lunchroom/gym/theatre at St. Matthews School in North Seattle. Parents, grandparents, siblings, students, and other visitors(us) watched as the 8th grade performed “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown" led by a profoundly deaf Charlie Brown(he had a special hearing aid that piped the piano directly into his ear.) When attending an 8th grade performance one expects it to be a bit rinky-dink, and amateurish, but I must say they did an amazing job! The pianist, a truly gifted young man, blew us all away with his talent. My favorite part was the trombone which was used as the teachers voice…it perfectly imitated the WHA WHA WHA of the adults in the old Peanuts cartoons. HILARIOUS!!! I couldn’t help but think of the long lasting memories that those kids have made. All their hard work, the thrill of the moment, the enjoyment of putting something like that together…it will stick with them for the rest of their lives. Good for them!
What an evening! What fun! J.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Spontaneity is such a great thing! Timothy and I didn’t have a specific plan for last evening. He had to spend part of the day in Seattle, and the other part in Bellingham(90 miles N), as a result he wasn’t exactly sure when he would be able to pick me up from work. The beauty of no plan is that when opportunity arises we are able to go with it. We decided last minute to rush over to the theatre and catch a movie. Then at just the moment we were walking out of the theatre I received a call from Peter. He wanted to schedule a time for us to come over and hang out…can I just say…this is a wonderful thing to have your kids invite you over. As we talked, it seems they were at the Everett mall shopping and we were on our way to get a bite to eat. They joined us and we had a lovely time teasing, laughing, talking etc. Blessing upon blessing! All made possible because we didn’t have a scheduled plan. J.
Friday, March 26, 2010
"Stick to Me Like Glue"
“But be very careful to keep the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the LORD gave you: to love the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to obey his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and all your soul." Joshua 22:5
I must have read this verse dozens of times over my lifetime and yet it is new every time. Today as I was reading it the phrase “to hold fast to him” stuck out to me. I immediately thought of when the kids were little and while we were out shopping I would take their hand and put it onto my hip and say “Stick to me like glue.” They would hold onto my sweater, belt loop, pant leg, or elbow. This is what God is saying to me, His child, “Stick to me like glue.” Stay with me, don’t wander off. J.
I must have read this verse dozens of times over my lifetime and yet it is new every time. Today as I was reading it the phrase “to hold fast to him” stuck out to me. I immediately thought of when the kids were little and while we were out shopping I would take their hand and put it onto my hip and say “Stick to me like glue.” They would hold onto my sweater, belt loop, pant leg, or elbow. This is what God is saying to me, His child, “Stick to me like glue.” Stay with me, don’t wander off. J.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Last night we celebrated the 12th Anniversary of my brother-in-law Mark adopting my niece Kesa. Kesa introduced Laura to Mark(the neighbor). He knew when they began a relationship that Laura and Kesa(Marki at the time) were a package deal. He willingly, gladly took her as his own, and when the timing was perfect, he legally, officially, and wonderfully made her his own. Not only did he give her his name, but everything, all privileges, and obligations that go with it. In the judges words...from that day forward no matter what happened, even if Laura and Mark were ever to divorce, Mark would still be her father, Lafe would still be her brother. Wonderful stuff!
This is such a lovely picture of what God has done for us:
This is such a lovely picture of what God has done for us:
Ephesians 1:5-14 “He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us. In all wisdom and insight He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth. In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory. In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation--having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of His glory.”
He has given us His name, and blessed us with his best promises. No matter what happens, even if we divorce ourselves from Him we are still “sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise.” He will always be our Father. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! J.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Lifting Fog
For more than 2 decades Timothy and I have spent our time constantly, blessedly with our children. We have thoroughly enjoyed raising our children…reading to them, playing games, tucking them into bed. Those days are gone. Our children have grown up and need us considerably less, and in much different ways. Timothy and I have found ourselves alone quite often lately. We love each other’s company so this isn’t a hardship, though it is definitely an adjustment.
Moments at the beach watching the sunset, sitting in our chair together watching a movie, dinner out in Seattle, working on household chores, even at the Aqua Fit class at the gym, it is enjoyable to be in each other’s company. I’m making it sound like we haven’t spent any time alone together over the years, of course we have, but this is a new and different thing. The page is beginning to turn and we can feel it. Not that I am rushing to have our house empty…I’m not. I love having Hannah and Esther at home with us, but I am preparing my heart for the nearing eventuality of it just being the two of us. I have for years been praying and thinking about what God’s plan for me, for us would be when the inevitable would come. The answers are not completely clear, but just like when the fog laying heavily over the valley begins to lift, the picture of what it will be when we are just two again is beginning to come into focus. This is a sweet, important time. J.
Moments at the beach watching the sunset, sitting in our chair together watching a movie, dinner out in Seattle, working on household chores, even at the Aqua Fit class at the gym, it is enjoyable to be in each other’s company. I’m making it sound like we haven’t spent any time alone together over the years, of course we have, but this is a new and different thing. The page is beginning to turn and we can feel it. Not that I am rushing to have our house empty…I’m not. I love having Hannah and Esther at home with us, but I am preparing my heart for the nearing eventuality of it just being the two of us. I have for years been praying and thinking about what God’s plan for me, for us would be when the inevitable would come. The answers are not completely clear, but just like when the fog laying heavily over the valley begins to lift, the picture of what it will be when we are just two again is beginning to come into focus. This is a sweet, important time. J.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Comfortable Love
Just like when we were first dating and then newlyweds, I still get excited when we are going out on a date. Tonight we are going into Seattle to have dinner and then to The Paramount Theatre to see a jazz concert. I’m looking forward to walking along hand in hand, sitting across the table from one another, enjoying the theatre, and the music, and the ride home comfortably talking. He is truly the love of my life! J.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Just 20 minutes
20 minutes out walking in the sun makes an enormous difference. Gorgeous day! Thank you Lord! J.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I just got off the phone with an assisted living facility. I had called because I was repeatedly unable to reach the daughter of the resident to inquire about a severely past due account. I guess the facility is having the same problem, in fact the poor elderly woman has been given notice of eviction and was supposed to move out last Friday. No one showed up to move her out. The daughter isn’t paying her mother’s bills, and has now left here there to be someone else’s problem. How sad! It breaks my heart to think of that elderly woman sitting there knowing that not only is she old and broken down physically, she is also alone…left with no one to watch out for, or take care of her. Lord, be near to Frankie…help her to know that YOU are taking care of her. Bring people around her that will step in and help her. J.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Road trip - March 5th - 7th
Our trip from Mountlake Terrace down to Vancouver took an unprecedented 5+ hours, but in spite of the multiple accidents around us we had a delightful ride, talking, knitting, and listening to music. Arriving around 8:45 p.m. we stayed up incredibly late catching up with the Seiferts.
Saturday morning Dan made us delicious french toast breaded in crushed cornflakes(try it they were crispy and wonderful.) We enjoyed learning about the Seifert chickens, and meeting Iris(the bunny), and Seifert kitty (for the life of me I can't remember the gorgeous gray long haired sweetheart's name...sorry.)
Then we took a short trip over to Sunset absolutely refreshing(pictured below.) Jeff & Christina came over in the afternoon and we spent a luxurious many hours knitting, talking, laughing, and eating the day away. What fun!
After church on Sunday we headed north stopping in Kalama at a hole in the wall antique mall with a deli(suggested by a friend) where we ate HUGE sandwiches(made on homemade bread), and cookies. We stopped briefly at the outlet malls where we got a few deals, and then headed home listening to, and singing along with, the Kutless worship album titled Strong Tower.

These pictures show a sample of the hats(purchase pattern) which I made several of over the weekend:

Saturday morning Dan made us delicious french toast breaded in crushed cornflakes(try it they were crispy and wonderful.) We enjoyed learning about the Seifert chickens, and meeting Iris(the bunny), and Seifert kitty (for the life of me I can't remember the gorgeous gray long haired sweetheart's name...sorry.)
Then we took a short trip over to Sunset absolutely refreshing(pictured below.) Jeff & Christina came over in the afternoon and we spent a luxurious many hours knitting, talking, laughing, and eating the day away. What fun!
After church on Sunday we headed north stopping in Kalama at a hole in the wall antique mall with a deli(suggested by a friend) where we ate HUGE sandwiches(made on homemade bread), and cookies. We stopped briefly at the outlet malls where we got a few deals, and then headed home listening to, and singing along with, the Kutless worship album titled Strong Tower.
It was a wonderfully relaxing, precious weekend away.
Thank you Seiferts!
Thank you Seiferts!
These pictures show a sample of the hats(purchase pattern) which I made several of over the weekend:
Our Dear Friends - The Seiferts:

A new job, a new office, new work mates
A new job, a new office, new work mates, and a fresh start. I have never worked for a “Non-Profit” before. This one brought in $60 mil last year. It’s all the same as any corporate environment, I am sure but, there is a sense of purpose to everyone’s work. There is not a sense of earning money but, a sense of purpose. Everything is focused on earning the money to run the other programs. Everything is focused on saving money to run the helpful programs. I had no idea that Goodwill ran so many programs: The job training programs for folks with challenges to securing a job, the ESL classes, The Counseling and financial aid… so many things. I like it so far. Everyone is so nice and willing to help. The first week has gone well. So many things to learn, it’s a new adventure. I already have overtime scheduled for next week. If you get a chance, look at the Seattle Goodwill web site. The on line auction is kind of cool. T.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Middle Years
Along with the aches and pains, the gray hair, the wrinkles and age spots, and the never ending struggle with weight, there are wonderful joys involved in being middle aged. Much more comfortable with ourselves, not nearly as self-conscious, we can even embrace the pleasant eye wrinkles which were made by all the smiles, and concerns over the years. During the middle years you are still young enough to do whatever comes your way, and your palette is much more seasoned, and developed, which helps you appreciate things just a little bit more. While we take our cholesterol medication, and truly effort to eat better, we have found the balance between that and enjoying a great big piece of cheese cake.
The greatest thing so far about middle age has been the joy of watching our children grow up and become fully functioning adults, with all the bumps, and bruises that come with it. Enjoying the marriage of our son to his beloved Daphne, and now the expectation of our first grandchild, sweet, precious joy! Do you hear that sound? It’s the sound of us drinking it all in, savoring it, and thanking God for every bit of it. J.
The greatest thing so far about middle age has been the joy of watching our children grow up and become fully functioning adults, with all the bumps, and bruises that come with it. Enjoying the marriage of our son to his beloved Daphne, and now the expectation of our first grandchild, sweet, precious joy! Do you hear that sound? It’s the sound of us drinking it all in, savoring it, and thanking God for every bit of it. J.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The View Yesterday Morning
Monday, March 1, 2010
I have come to recognize I make mistakes...
My father once said two wrongs do not make a right but three lefts do. He went on to say that when you make a mistake, forget something or just plain screw-up, it doesn’t matter how many good things you have done. The critics will always remember the mistake. You will recognize who loves you because they will point out your mistake and make fun of you! They will not let you forget it. All the while they will remember all the good things you have done. The trick is to recognize who is who! That’s the hard part for me. So often my mistakes turn out to cause hurt and it is hard to see past it.
I forget things. I get things screwed up in my head. Some of it is I don’t hear as well as I used to. The slightest background noise makes it hard to hear clearly. I heard it but somehow I heard it wrong. I don’t know that I didn’t understand until feelings are hurt. Often I just forget things or confuse them in my head. One minute it’s this way and the next day I have turned it around. This is very frustrating for me but more so for others. So often lately I feel lost and in a daze. I am sure that doesn’t help. I was about to blame it on getting older but, I know what those who love me will say. I have always been a bit scatter brained. It just seems more so lately. The frustration of being out of work and the stress that causes along with worry about the well being of those I love distract me even more. I so need a job to help get my head back on track. I hate so say it but I need the routine. Maybe that is part of getting older. I don’t know but, I ask all those who love me to forgive me. I am not perfect… but, you already knew that.
"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."
Hebrews 4:16 NIV
I forget things. I get things screwed up in my head. Some of it is I don’t hear as well as I used to. The slightest background noise makes it hard to hear clearly. I heard it but somehow I heard it wrong. I don’t know that I didn’t understand until feelings are hurt. Often I just forget things or confuse them in my head. One minute it’s this way and the next day I have turned it around. This is very frustrating for me but more so for others. So often lately I feel lost and in a daze. I am sure that doesn’t help. I was about to blame it on getting older but, I know what those who love me will say. I have always been a bit scatter brained. It just seems more so lately. The frustration of being out of work and the stress that causes along with worry about the well being of those I love distract me even more. I so need a job to help get my head back on track. I hate so say it but I need the routine. Maybe that is part of getting older. I don’t know but, I ask all those who love me to forgive me. I am not perfect… but, you already knew that.
"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."
Hebrews 4:16 NIV
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